What is G-SHARE?
G-SHARE is the world first shareholder system in casino industry that allow customers to become SKY
Casino shareholder.
How to get G-SHARE?
Each of your success withdrawal will gain 1 share from SKY Casino
What is Dividend?
Once your account has successfully level up to BRONZE or above, you are entitle for Monthly Dividend
from SKY Casino.
How Dividend work?
Every month 13th, system will generate a profit report of SKY Casino. 30% of the profit will divide
to all qualified shareholder and auto transfer to their bank account before 15th of the particular
Why other customer get more dividend than me?
This is because dividend are calculate based on your account level.
Example: RM250,000
(Profit of Last Month) x 0.2% (Silver Account) = RM500
How to level up my account?
There's a required withdrawal times on every level, you may refer to the progress bar on Home
How many times can i get?
Dividend will transfer to your bank account EVERY month as long as your bank account
information are correct.